

While it’s common for people of all ages and genders to lose about 80-100 hairs each day, some may experience more than others. The reason why this loss happens is that our hair consists mainly of a protein called keratin which can be produced by follicles in the scalp skin area.

Some people believe that hair loss is merely a cosmetic problem, but it’s actually much deeper than we think. The reason for this lies in our DNA — every time there are changes made to your genetic makeup through birth or marriage (or even just change of residence), those mutations get passed on through generations as well!

It can take up two months before these cells push out the old ones so you don’t notice anything happening at first; however, once they do start coming out–it looks something like an accordion folder filled with tiny sticks: Keratinocytes.

With over 90% of hairs in the growth stage, it’s not surprising that most people have a very normal-looking head when they’re away from any kind of hair product or Salon visit. But what about those who are losing their locks? 60 percent will do so by 35 years old; 85%- almost half! And women aren’t spared either with 45%.

The information given could make one think there’s nothing you can do about these statistics unless…you start taking care of yourself first before worrying how others might feel regarding your appearance which would increase self-esteem.

Causes of Hair Fall

The causes of hair loss are many and varying but can be narrowed down to three main factors: genetics (inherited), stress, or chemical exposure. Some people’s genes make them more susceptible than others – this is why some families tend not only to show thinning on their temples by age 21; they also develop ski slope transitions in childhood!

Stress has been shown time after again as an absolute no-no when it comes to your health because studies prove that just one month’s worth of intensively worrying will likely lead you out looking like Ladytron by bout 25…not cool!! Finally, there are alkyl substances known scientifically as “acyclic hydrocarbons” which means oil+group.

There are many different types of hair loss, but androgenetic alopecia is by far the most common nowadays. The genes that you inherit from your parents can also play a role in determining whether they suffer from this condition or not – meaning if they have any relatives who had locks to Lose theirs young-agers chances increase significantly!

Hormones – Abnormal hormone levels often affect the growth cycle of hair and lead to an increased incidence in Hair Fall, which occurs during pregnancy or childbirth.

Fluctuating hormones can also cause thinning caused by fluctuation between hyperthyroidism (an overactive thyroid) & hypothyroidism; using birth control pills may result in an accumulation effect on your system’s production rate because these medications work via synthetic compounds with weak hormonal activity similar to those produced naturally within cells but at much lower concentrations than what’s needed for normal function

Hair Loss due to a poor diet can be Hair thinning or even permanent.

A lack of essential nutrients like iron, copper-zinc and proteins, etc might cause temporary hair loss in some people while others may suffer from long-term problems such as anemia which leads them to lose their hair permanently.

The list of possible causes for hair loss is long and varied, but there are a few common threads.

Medication use like chemotherapy or high blood pressure medications can all lead to temporary alopecia in some cases; even radiation therapy used as part of cancer treatment might trigger it temporarily too!

As we’ve seen, there are a number of natural home remedies for hair growth and health. If you want to give them a try, be patient and consistent in your application.

However, if these methods don’t work for you or you have other concerns about your hair health, talk to a trichologist. Trichologists can help with everything from diagnosing hair problems to prescribing treatments and giving advice on how to care for your locks at home. 

Contact us for hair loss treatment in Indore.


Hair Evaluation Test

Experiencing hair loss take a hair evaluation test now to understand the severity of your problem.

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The Skin evaluation test will assess the current state of your problem and tell you about your scope of improvement with Homeopathy treatment.

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The Vitiligo evaluation test will assess the current state of your problem and tell you about your
scope of improvement with Homeopathy treatment.

Eczema Evaluation Test

The Eczema evaluation test will assess the current state of your problem and tell you about your scope of improvement with Homeopathy treatment.

Allergy Evaluation Test

The Allergy evaluation test will assess the current state of your problem and tell you about your