
    Male & Female Pattern Baldness (Androgenetic Alopecia)

    Male & Female Pattern Baldness (Androgenetic Alopecia)

    Androgenetic Alopecia is a prevailing and common type of hair loss in both men and women. For Men, this is known as male-pattern baldness, where hair losses in a well-defined pattern and begins above both temples. The hairline forms an “M” shape over time, and the crown hair thins, leading to partial or complete baldness. Women lose hair differently than men. In women, hair thins everywhere, but the hairline does not recede. Women with androgenetic alopecia rarely get bald. Male and female pattern baldness is an irreversible genetic condition in which hair follicles begin to shrink and create three early signs of baldness:
    • Thinning of hair on the crown or temples
    • Receding hairline
    • Visible scalp
    Androgenetic Alopecia likely has genetic and environmental causes. This hair loss in men is significantly linked to androgens, specifically dihydrotestosterone (DHT). It is DHT that is responsible for triggering and influencing the hair follicles.
    While in females, Androgenetic Alopecia is mainly caused when the estrogen depletes in their body and the male hormone testosterone starts dominating their functions.
    • Stress
    • Prolong Allopathic Medications
    • Autoimmune Disorder
    • Diabetes
    • Thyroid
    • Genetic Predisposition
    • Lifestyle Habits
    • Genes
    • Menarche
    • PCO
    • OCP
    • Stress
    • Diabetes
    • Dietary Deficiency
    • Prolong Allopathic Medications
    • Thyroid
    • Lactation
    • Caesarean Delivery
    • Fibroid
    • Hysterectomy
    • Menopause
    • Genes
    Before choosing hair loss therapy, remember that it must be tailored for you. When selecting a hair fall therapy, consider your hair and scalp’s health, baldness, safety, and other benefits. You must connect with a hair expert such as Trichology experts at Dr Meets Clinic for a proper plan to help with this problem. At Dr Meet’s clinic, we offer scientific natural DHT inhibitor treatment to halt hair loss.
    • Correctly Diagnosing Your Problem.
    • Performing A Scientific Analysis.
    • Creating A Personalized Treatment Strategy.

    At Dr Meet’s Clinic, we offer customized scientific natural DHT inhibitor treatment for male and female hair loss. Our exceptional treatment plan considers the patient’s needs, expectations, and extent of hair loss. At Dr Meet’s Clinic, we understand your unique needs and combine our expertise and top-notch technology to offer you with the best possible treatment and solutions for hair loss concerns.

    Diffuse Hair Loss

    Diffuse thinning, also known as diffuse hair loss, is a kind of hair loss where hair starts falling out from all parts of the scalp, resulting in hair that appears thin and low in density.

    Both men and women experience diffuse thinning, often known as hair thinning which affects the entire scalp. Depending on the cause, the lost hair frequently regrows. Occasionally, treatment is necessary to prevent future hair loss or to cure a medical issue.
    Diffuse Hair Loss
    Diffuse hair loss is marked chiefly by an abnormally high number of hair follicles prematurely entering the catagen stage and then into the telogen phase. In general, the telogen phase is the resting phase of the hair follicle. Diffuse hair loss rarely causes irritation or scarring and is a problem experienced by a higher percentage of females rather than males.
    Diffuse hair loss is caused primarily due to telogen effluvium (TE), female pattern hair loss (FPHL), chronic telogen effluvium (CTE), anagen effluvium (AE), loose anagen hair syndrome, and diffuse alopecia areata. However, a proper diagnosis is required to find the actual cause of diffuse hair loss in a patient.
    Diffuse hair loss should never be considered a cosmetic concern as it can lead to systematic illnesses such as anaemia, hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism, chronic infectious infections, etc.
    • Psychological Stress
    • Emotional Stress
    • Nutritional Deficiency Of Zinc And Iron
    • Illness/ High Fever
    • Thyroid Disease
    • Alopecia Areata
    • Prolong Allopathic Medications
    • Diabetes
    One-Third of patients suffering from diffuse hair loss recover fully from this condition within 3 to 6 months naturally. However, others need a treatment plan for the situation. Furthermore, consultation from a hair expert such as those at Dr Meet’s Clinic will help stop this condition.
    • Properly Diagnosing Your Problem.
    • Performing A Scientific Analysis.
    • Running Tests To Check For Any Health Concerns.
    • Identifying Triggers.
    • Creating A Personalized Treatment Strategy.
    • Comprehensive Consultation Till The Patient Is Recovered.
    Alopecia Areata

    Alopecia Areata

    Alopecia areata is an alarming condition where the immune system destroys hair follicles, resulting in hair loss. Although hair loss can occur elsewhere in the body, alopecia areata often affects the head and face.

    Alopecia areata is usually a 50 Paisa Coin-shaped oval region on the scalp or beard with firmly defined boundaries. It can be either normal-looking or has a shiny onion skin appearance. If left untreated, it can, however cover the entire scalp causing the patient to experience what is referred to as alopecia totalis. Additionally, if this is not managed within time, it can spread to the whole body and is referred to as alopecia Universalis.
    Alopecia areata is a hair related problem caused due to an autoimmune disorder where the immune system attacks hair follicles by mistake, resulting in inflammation. In this condition, the hereditary of a person or the environmental (non-genetic) variables has a major role in the immunological attack on hair follicles.

    People with autoimmune disorders such as Psoriasis, thyroid disease, or vitiligo, as well as patients with allergy problems such as hay fever, are more prone to develop alopecia areata. This autoimmune disorder can be seen in men and women of all ages; however, it can be more extensive when experienced by kids under the age of 10. The disorder is frequently caused due to a viral or bacterial infection in the human body.
    • Emotional Stress
    • Psychological Stress
    • Hormonal Changes
    • Atopic Dermatitis (Eczema)
    • Diabetes
    • Vaccination
    • Trauma
    • Chemical Exposure
    Since alopecia areata is an auto immune disorder instead of giving corticosteroids dr meets clinic having scientific natural, herbal immuno booster therapy to control the alopecia areata patches and regrowth the hair if it is in non scarring form.
    • Diagnosing The Root Cause Of The Problem.
    • Performing A Scientific Analysis.
    • Identifying Triggers.
    • Creating A Personalized Treatment Strategy.

    Alopecia areata can be treated with a variety of medicines, but no one treatment has been shown to work for everyone Therefore, personalized solutions are required to treat patients with this disorder.At Dr Meet’s Clinic, we have the suitable means to diagnose your condition and offer proper treatment plans to fight the disorder and prevent it from accelerating.Some patients with alopecia areata may choose to cover problematic regions with accessories, wigs, or cosmetic alternatives, while others choose not to. We offer treatment plans as well as superior quality accessories for all your needs. Connect with a hair expert right now!


    Pseudopelade of Brocq (PBB) causes scarring hair loss (cicatricial alopecia). PBB is divided into two categories based on scarring (burnt-out or end-stage) or absent(idiopathic). PBB causes single or several bald patches that are small, round or oval, asymmetrical, and discreet.
    This is a condition in which the scalp’s skin becomes thick, complex, and shiny but is rarely inflamed. The condition is famously known as “horseshoe-shaped” or sometimes described as resembling a “footprint in the snow”. Pseudopeladae cannot be treated, although it can be managed with an early diagnosis.
    Pseudopelade can affect anyone, including both men and women, and sometimes even children. However, it is significantly more prevalent in middle-aged and older women. The disease’s progression cannot be predicted, but it has been linked to the activity of specific genes.
    The hair loss in Pseudopelade appears to be caused by infections with Borrelia burgdorferi or the bacterium that causes Lyme disease. Additionally, this is often caused by the atrophy of the hair follicles rather than scarring.
    • Stress
    • Infections
    • Bacteria Attack
    No proper treatment has yet been discovered to successfully stop the process of hair loss or treat the affected area to regain lost hair. However, experienced trichologists such as those at Dr Meet’s clinic can help you with comprehensive treatment plans.
    • Surgery options to improve the appearance of the affected area when the condition is no longer active.
    • Offering Personalized Hair Patches.
    Accurate diagnosis can result from effective communication between the patient, family, and medical staff. At Dr Meet’s Clinic, we believe in collectively making all health care decisions to enhance the patient’s health and quality of life. Connect with our hair experts to treat Pseudopeladae now.
    Premature Graying

    Premature Graying

    Premature greying of hair (PMG) or white hair is caused by a lack of the pigment melanin, which gives hair its colour, or the dormancy or absence of melanocyte cells. Greying before the age of 30 is known as premature greying, whereas greying beyond the age of 30 is primarily natural, hereditary, or physiological.
    The exact cause and development of premature greying are uncertain. However, premature aging disorders have been associated with atopy, vitiligo, thyroid disease, and autoimmune diseases. Changes in hormones might also contribute to greying hair, while improper hair care is another root cause of premature greying. Therefore, patients with PMG should be evaluated for syndromes and metabolic disorders.
    • Hereditary And Genes
    • Stress
    • Anaemia
    • Smoking
    • B-complex And Iron Deficiencies
    • Chemical Exposure
    • Thyroid
    • Incorrect Scalp Care
    • Problems With Pituitary
    • Diagnosing The Root Cause Of the Problem.
    • Medical Assessment.
    • Scientific Assessment
    • Identifying Triggers.
    • Creating A Personalized Treatment Strategy.
    • Prescribing Right Hair Products And Supplements.
    Our Hair specialists at Dr Meet’s Clinic properly analyze and find the root cause behind premature greying. A proper treatment plan is created after making a collective decision with the patient. Your treatment plan will differ depending on the degree of issue and cause of the problem. Hence, ensure to consult the premium hair experts at Dr Meet’s Clinic today for a thorough assessment and comprehensive treatment plan.

    Dandruff (Pityriasis Simplex)

    Skin cells are constantly generated on the scalp; therefore, shedding is natural. However, sometimes dead skin cells start to shed faster than usual, causing Pityriasis Simplex, i.e., dandruff. When this happens, the scalp oil causes skin cells to cluster, peel and appear as white flakes.
    Dandruff (Pityriasis Simplex)
    Pityriasis Simplex is a very irritating condition that can be caused by a very simple act of not shampooing and cleaning your hair. Besides this, excessive oil on the scalp, dry skin, sensitivity to hair products, and skin diseases like seborrhoeic dermatitis or eczema can all contribute to dandruff. Dandruff can also be caused by Yeast like fungus.
    In some cases, the symptoms may signal other, more severe disorders, such as Actinic keratoses (AKs) or Tinea capitis (scalp ringworm). Thus it’s best to get examined to receive the most effective therapy.
      The fast shedding of skin cells can be triggered by the following:
    • Stress
    • Hormonal Changes
    • Immune system disorders
    • Sebaceous secretions.
    • Over shampooing.
    • Overdrying The Scalp With Blow Dry And Other Products.
    • Over brushing As It Causes Too Much Friction On The Scalp’s Fragile Skin.
    • Malassezia Yeast Causes Increased Skin Cell Production And Scalp Irritation.
    • Contact Dermatitis, Which Causes Red, Itchy Scalp From Personal Care Items.
    • Too Much Exposure To The Sun.
    • Excessive Tension And Pressure From Hats.
    • Vitamin Deficiency, Poor Nutritional Care, And Diet Changes.
    • Dust/Dirt Exposure.
    • Allergic Reactions.
    • Systematic And Skin Diseases.
    Regular shampooing can minimize oil and skin cell build-up in causes of mild dandruff. Alternatively, natural and herbal dandruff shampoo may be recommended that can be used two to three times a week, along with regular shampooing. On the contrary, people with dry hair will benefit from less shampooing and using hydrating hair or scalp conditioner.
    Depending on the cause of dandruff, natural and herba products with Pyrithione zinc, Tar, salicylic acid, Selenium sulfide can help patients treat dandruff. Some shampoos contain more potent formulations, while others have a milder level of ingredients. A Trichologist will recommend the right hair care products depending on your condition.
    However, note that you should stop using products that irritate or sting. Additionally, if you develop a rash, hives, or trouble breathing, seek medical attention.
    • Diagnosing The Hair And Scalp.
    • Identifying Triggers.
    • Creating A Personalized Treatment Strategy.
    • Prescribing Right Hair Products And Supplements.
    At Dr Meet’s Clinic, we have helped hundreds of patients with redness, patches, bleeding, infections, pus, and other dandruff-related problems. Our hair experts use robust technology to run a diagnosis and offer you the most effective personalized treatments and solutions based on each patient’s condition. Connect with hair experts at Dr Meet’s Clinic for an extensive treatment plan.


    Psoriasis is a prevailing skin and scalp condition which is caused by the body’s excessive production of new skin cells. Psoriasis manifests as white, scaly, flaky skin on any area of the body, including the scalp. Psoriasis can begin at any age and affects both sexes. Scalp psoriasis is sometimes confused with dandruff, but the two disorders are substantially distinct.
    Psoriasis is an autoimmune skin condition caused mainly by emotional stress. However, on rare occasions, Psoriasis can develop after a streptococcal throat infection which is more prevalent in kids than in adults.
    • An Injury To Your Skin Which Includes A Cut, Scrape, Insect Bite Or Sunburn
    • Drinking Alcohol Excessively
    • Smoking
    • Stress, Depression, And Anxiety
    • Hormonal Changes
    • Chemical Exposure
    • Certain Medicines
    • Frequent Viral And Bacterial Infection
    • Vaccination
    • Other Immune Disorders, Such As HIV
    Psoriasis is not a contagious condition, so it cannot be transmitted from one individual to another. However, one should start the proper treatment procedure to control Psoriasis during the initial stages. Numerous treatment plans are available depending on the severity of a patient’s condition. Treatments for Psoriasis include:
    • Topical:Pyrithione zinc, Tar, salicylic acid, Selenium sulfide are applied to the skin.
    • Phototherapy:Which involves exposing the skin to specific forms of UV radiation.
    • Systemic:since psoriasis is a auto immune disorder where skin cells build up and form scales and itchy dry patches which is triggered by stress and cold. Dr meets clinic having scientific natural immuno booser supplements which reduces the flaking of skin and breakdown the chain of auto immune disorder.
    • Scientific Assessment
    • Assessing Medical History
    • Identifying Triggers.
    • Creating A Personalized Treatment Strategy.
    • Prescribing Right Supplements.
    We assess your condition comprehensively to have a deeper understanding of psychological effects and other elements related to the situation. At Dr Meet’s Clinic, we provide distinguished and personalized solutions for each patient based on their needs, expectation, and degree of the condition. We have treated hundreds of individuals with hair-related concerns. Thus, our treatment plan is 99%affected, and our patient satisfaction rate is high.


    Trichotillomania or trich is a hair-pulling disorder in which the patient gets an irrepressible impulse to pluck out hair, typically from the scalp, eyelashes, and eyebrows. This condition is more prevalent among adolescents and young adults. Hair-pulling can be of two types:
    • Focused: In this condition, people pull their hair intentionally to relieve tension or anxiety, such as an uncontrollable impulse to pull.
    • Automatic: Here, pull their hair without realizing it. They might do it when idle, reading or watching TV.
    Hair loss, such as shorter hair or thinning or bald regions on the head or body, and thin or missing eyelashes or eyebrows are some of the symptoms of Trichotillomania.
    It is unclear precisely what causes Trichotillomania. However, it could be caused because of one of the following:
    • A Person’s Way Of Managing Stress Or Anxiety.
    • Both Negative Emotions And Positive Feelings Can Cause Trich.
    • A Chemical Imbalance That Is Comparable To Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder In The Brain (OCD).
    • Psychological Factors.
    • Hormone Levels Fluctuate During Puberty.
    • Boredom
    • Anxiety And Anxiety Disorder.
    • A Stressful Event Such As Abuse (Mental or Physical), Family Conflict, Or Death.
    • Therapy: In behavioural treatment, people learn an organized approach for tracking symptoms and actions, raising awareness of pulling, replacing incompatible behaviours, and other techniques to reverse the “habit” of pulling.
    • Medications:Medications assist some people briefly, but problems recur without behavioural therapy. However, medications may help reduce sadness and OCD symptoms.
    Diagnosing And Visualizing Hair Shafts, Follicles, And Other Abnormalities.
    • Assessing Medical History.
    • Identifying Triggers.
    • Creating A Personalized Treatment Strategy.
    In addition to this, At Dr Meet’s Clinic, we also offer patients wigs and cosmetic alternatives for all their needs.
    Ringworm (Tinea Capitis)

    Ringworm (Tinea Capitis)

    Ringworm (Tinea Capitis) is a fungal disease that causes a rash on a person’s scalp or body. It is mainly characterized as a circular bald area patch on the head. Ringworm can infect skin and fingernails on virtually every area of the body. Hair stubble within the patch, redness, dilated hair follicles, and itching are common symptoms of Ringworm on the scalp. However, depending on the diseased area of the body, the symptoms of Ringworm may vary.
    It can be transmitted via close contact with an infected person or animal, infected things – such as bedsheets, combs, or towels – or infected pet soil.
    The disease is caused by several funguses typically caught from birds, puppies, or kittens. This fungus feed on the keratin in hair and skin.
    Anyone can get affected by Ringworm; however, your chance of getting it increases in certain situations such as:
    • Sweat
    • Diabetes
    • Obesity
    • Living In a Humid, Hot Or Topical Place
    • Participate In Contact Sports Like Football
    Best way to treat Ringworm is to take oral and topical antifungal herbal and homeopathic medicine prescribed by a physician or expert for approximately two months.
    • Diagnosing The Areas Affected.
    • Assessing The Condition.
    • Creating A Personalized Treatment Plan.
    • Offering Guidance To Prevent Future Outbreak.
    At Dr Meet’s Clinic, our experts can properly assess your condition and offer you a treatment plan that best works for you.

    Folliculitis Decalvans

    Folliculitis decalvans is a rare and slowly developing inflammatory disorder characterized by persistent (chronic) inflammation of the hair follicles and scalp. Over time, this disorder causes hair loss, scars, and the development of permanent bald patches that are round or oval in shape. The disorder is characterized by permanent hair loss and scarring (cicatricial alopecia).
    In simple words, Folliculitis is inflammation of the hair follicles, while Decalvans is the Latin term “to cause baldness and Folliculitis decalvans is hair loss caused by folliculitis”.
    Folliculitis Decalvans
    The cause of folliculitis decalvans is still unknown, but staphylococcus infection (staph infection) is considered one of the possible causes of it. Staphylococcus aureus is related to staphylococci antigen in the hair follicles. Staphylococci is a bacterium that is naturally found on the skin and in the nose of humans. Still, some individuals appear to have an atypical response to Staphylococcus aureus (Staph A), causing folliculitis decalvans.
    Typically, Staph A is harmless; however, for some individuals, the bacteria causes persistent inflammation. This inflammation kills hair follicles over time, inhibiting new hair growth. Eventually, hair loss leaves behind scars, and this permanent hair loss is also known as alopecia.
    • Inflammation From Ingrown Hair.
    • Blockage from Hair Products, Oils, And Moisturizers.
    • Hair Removal Process Such As Waxing, Plucking, And Shaving.
    • Drugs, Such As Corticosteroids.
    • Antifungal or Antibiotic medical gels, creams, and salt water.
    • Systemic homeopathic herbal based anti inflammatory oral and topical medicines.
    Make sure to vacuum the floor and carpet and wash everything in the home to prevent repetitive contamination. You can vacuum seal all the items that can not be washed for two days. Cleaning your house against lice and their eggs is the best way to ensure that you are not caught in the never-ending loop of this condition.
    • Proper Examination Of Your Scalp.
    • Medical Assessment Which Includes Taking Hair Samples And Testing.
    • Performing Skin Biopsy.
    • complete Diagnosis.
    • Collectively Creating A Treatment Plan With The Patient.
    At Dr Meet’s Clinic, we offer personalized solutions for all your problems. Our experts take care of all your medical needs, from medications to the right treatment plans and other forms of therapy. So, contact experts at Dr Meet’s Clinic today for scientific top-notch medical treatments for all your hair problems.


    Hirsutism refers to excessive and unwelcome hair growth in women on the body’s beard, moustache, chest, and back regions. On the other hand, hypertension is defined as abnormally excessive hair growth on any part of the skin in males or females.
    Excessive synthesis of testosterone causes excessive and undesirable hair growth leading to Hirsutism. Polycystic ovarian disease (POD) can cause Hirsutism, among other symptoms, including acne, weight gain, androgenetic alopecia, infertility, and irregular or absent menstruation. In addition, other tumours can also cause Hirsutism, especially those that affect your hormone levels.
    • An ovarian Tumour (PCOD).
    • Adrenal Gland tumour.
    • Certain Medicines.
    • Using Anabolic Steroids.
    • Hormonal Conditions Include Cushing’s Syndrome And Acromegaly.
    • If overweight, losing some weight can help regulate hormone levels.
    • Using prescription lotion such as Eflornithine cream to reduce facial hair development.
    • Natural Phytoestrogens.
    • Natural DHT inhibitors.
    • Comprehensive Diagnosis Of The Condition.
    • Complete Medical Assistance.
    • Offering Best Treatment Plan.
    • Laser hair removal Treatment.
    We understand that Hirsutism can put a toll on your mental health. However, Dr Meet’s Clinic can help you gain back confidence and offer you the best form of a treatment plan for your concerns. Our personalized treatment plans ensure effective results that assist you in leading a better life.

    Pediculosis Capitis (Lice)

    Pediculosis Capitis (Lice) is a very contagious infection that can affect anyone around the world. The lice can be transmitted through direct touch or shared brushes, combs, and hats. Lice can also travel from one hand to another via pillow, cushion, etc.
    The saliva of lice can irritate the scalp, and excessive scratching leads to a secondary infection, such as dermatitis.
    Pediculosis Capitis (Lice)
    A head louse is a little, tan or grey insect approximately the size of a strawberry seed. It is transmitted by human contact or objects touched by a contaminated person. Lice are typically found in the occipital region but can spread from the sides and top of the head.
    Louse feed on human blood and increase in number by laying eggs on hair strands near the scalp. The female louse develops a sticky material that firmly attaches each egg to the base of a hair shaft less than 0.25 inches (5 millimetres) from the scalp.
    • Poor Hygiene.
    • Wet Or Moist Hair.
    • Sharing Combs And Towels.
    • Application of Azadirachta indica Q (mother tincture) on the scalp overnight, then washed the following day.
    • Low level high frequency therapy weekly twice.
    • Daily shampooing of hair and scalp for a few weeks.
    • Anti parasitic oral and topical homeopathic medicines.
    • Assessing Hair For The Level Of Contamination.
    • Prescribing Right Treatment For Effective And Quick Results.
    • Treating Hair And Preventing Further Damage.
    At Dr Meet’s Clinic, we have years of experience dealing with various hair concerns, including Pediculosis Capitis. Our experts can help you get relief from this condition, significantly when it worsens and causes infection on the scalp. Our treatment plan for Pediculosis Capitis is very effective, with 99% customer satisfaction.

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