
Male Patterned Baldness

Male pattern hair loss is a natural ageing process that affects the majority of males. However, it might be emotionally and psychologically traumatic for them. If someone gets sudden or unexpected hair loss, they require emergency medical assistance from a hair doctor in Indore.

So, do you think you are suffering from male patterned baldness? If so, here is an important guide that can help you understand everything about it, including treatments offered by hair doctor in Indore for the same.

What Is Male Patterned Baldness?

An average human loses 50 to 100 hair a day. In male pattern baldness, however, testosterone-sensitive hair roots result in more significant hair loss per day than usual. In addition, the rate of hair development is slowed, and regrowing hair is thinner and more fragile.

Normal hair loss occurs where hair previously grew; however, male pattern hair loss occurs in a specific pattern and impacts a specific distribution. Males lose hair on the temple or the crown regions during patterned baldness, and hormonal imbalance predominantly causes it. Hair roots undergo cycles in which regular hair loss after the cycle makes space for new hair growth.

What Factors Contribute To Male Pattern Baldness?

Three significant reasons cause male pattern hair loss including:


It is one of the most significant contributors to hair loss. If a person’s parents or other relatives have experienced Male Pattern Hair (MPH) loss, they are more likely to experience it themselves.


Age is a significant factor in hair loss., and it has been observed that most men have hair loss between the ages of 40 and 45.


MPH occurs when fluctuations in male hormone levels occur. According to studies, male pattern hair loss is connected with androgen levels as they influence hair development.

These factors reduce hair follicles on the scalp, resulting in slowed hair development and eventual baldness. The hair growth cycle begins to weaken, resulting in the development of short, thin hair and eventual baldness. When male pattern baldness is not inherited, it may have a serious underlying cause, such as drugs, hormonal imbalances, thyroid disorders, or anabolic steroids. You must always consult a hair doctor in Indore in such situations.

Who May Be Vulnerable To Male Pattern Baldness?

Male pattern baldness can also begin in adolescence, but it is more prevalent in older men. Genetic factors play a significant influence; therefore, those with a family history of the condition are more likely to be impacted. It might begin with a single bald spot or an M-shaped receding hairline. In most situations, it continues until most hair has been removed.

However, consulting a hair doctor in Indore can help you. Experienced hair doctor in Indore, Bhopal, and Jabalpur can help you with the condition and offer you some treatment plans to slow down hair loss or help with new hair growth.

How do you stop Male Pattern Baldness?

Never forget that hair is composed of live cells. It also requires sufficient oxygen, blood flow, nutrients, and vitamins for optimal growth and health. Thus, a balanced diet and a good lifestyle are the minimum requirements for hair growth.

You must consult a hair doctor in Indore so that they may conduct proper investigations and provide dietary supplements as necessary. Some of the recommendations that may be given by your hair doctor in Indore include the following:

  • Effective supplements such as B-Vitamins, biotin, zinc, and selenium have been demonstrated to help hair loss.
  • Shampoos containing caffeine stimulate hair follicles, hence enhancing their vitality.
  • Avoid causing active harm to hair, such as by using heavy, potentially poisonous hair products or excessive hair styling tools that might cause heat damage, dyeing, etc.

A healthy lifestyle is essential for preventing hair loss. Therefore, simple measures such as stopping smoking, engaging in regular exercise, and avoiding stress will prevent severe hair loss. Always contact a hair doctor in Indore or a trichologist if the condition persists, as it may be due to severe cases and hence requires quick treatment.

What Treatment Options Are Available For Male Pattern Hair Loss?

Oral Drugs:

A hair doctor in Indore will prescribe oral medications after identifying the deficit or cause of hair loss. These will aid in preventing hair loss and promoting hair growth. Finasteride is an oral drug that helps decrease hair loss in men by inhibiting the production of the male hormone that is responsible for hair loss. Always use these medications under the supervision of an expert.

Minoxidil is one of the most prevalent topical serums that help to prevent hair loss and restore hair.

Hair Growth Promoter (HGP):

It is a typical therapy option in dermatology clinics that involves extracting natural growth factors from the patient’s plasma. It offers necessary nutrients and promotes hair development.

Hair Transplant:

When hair loss has progressed to the point of baldness, a hair transplant is a viable alternative for concealing the scalp. It is a small surgical procedure performed by an expert hair doctor in Indore to restore hair loss.

Note that to prevent hair loss from progressing to a severe stage, it is always essential to seek professional advice for a hair doctor in Indore at the earliest signs of hair loss.


Hair Evaluation Test

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